Saturday, July 27, 2024


ESG: from undelayable priority to irrefutable opportunity

Inês Sequeira Mendes, Managing Partner of Abreu Advogados

Being short

Nuno Galvão Teles, Managing Partner at Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva & Associados

From the Arab Spring to the Western Autumn

João Vieira de Almeida, Managing Partner at VdA-Vieira de Almeida

O 5G in Portugal

Catarina de Medeiros Carreiro and Jaime Lino Neto, Abreu Advogados

5G: the new piece of the digital puzzle

Isabel Ornelas, Managing Associate at VdA-Vieira de Almeida

“The digital revolution is creating. A brave new (labour) world!”

Interview with Rosário Palma Ramalho, Full Professor At The Faculty Of Law Of Lisbon And President Of Portuguese Association Of Labour Law (APODIT)
In an interview with Prémio, the president of APODIT, Rosário Palma Ramalho,, tells us about the major changes taking place in the field of labour given the pandemic and the resulting changes in the way we work.

Let Us Reinvent Ourselves!

Paula Gomes Freire, Partner at VDA - Vieira Almeida March 2020. Since then the world has changed. Great Reset, New Normal, Next Normal are expressions that we often hear and give us an idea of the size and scope of...

Artigos recentes | Recent articles

AMO and H/Advisors – A short history

It all started 22 years ago on Madison Avenue. Three of the world’s most senior financial PR professionals met to discuss a ground-breaking alliance, that would change the shape of the communications industry.

A conversation with Henry Kissinger

Over two days in late April 2023, The Economist spent over eight hours in conversation with Dr Kissinger. Just weeks before his 100th birthday, the former secretary of state and national security adviser laid out his concerns about the risks of great power conflict and offered solutions for how to avoid it. This is a transcript of the conversation, lightly edited for clarity.

The world on the wrong path

A new geopolitical and economic order is being written through the emergence of China as an economic, military and diplomatic superpower and threatening the status of the United States. We are heading towards a multipolar world in which the search for strategic autonomy is changing the dynamics of international trade for the worse. Nothing will be more determinant to the world’s destiny over forthcoming years than the relationship between Beijing and Washington. Europe risks being a mere bystander.
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