Saturday, July 27, 2024

CV&A Conferences

Throughout these two decades, CV&A has been staging high profile conferences of great national interest and attracting the participation of former heads of government and political leaders with global influence, including Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, José Maria Aznar, Al Gore and Colin Powell, for example.

This year, and to commemorate its 20th anniversary, CV&A is bringing David Cameron, the former British Prime Minister, to Portugal to debate the Future of Europe with Carlos Moedas, President of Lisbon Municipal Council and former European commissioner. This event is taking place on 15 June at the Estufa Fria in Lisbon.

The Cunha Vaz & Associados (CV&A) conferences have long since become a national reference point. Throughout these 20 years of activity, CV&A brought to Portugal global figures with unique perspectives on the world and who have, in one way or another, impacted on various sectors, ranging from the economy, politics, society, science and technology, over a determined period of time.

The first of these major conferences took place in 2005, two years on from the launch of CV&A, with José Maria Aznar (former Spanish Prime Minister), followed by Colin Powell (former Secretary of State of the United States), George Bush (former President of the United States), John Snow (former Treasury Secretary of the United States), Al Gore (former Vice-President of the United States), Tony Blair (former British Prime Minister), Bill Clinton (former President of the United States), Muhammad Yunus (economist, 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner), David Plouffe (director of the American Presidential Campaign of Barack Obama), Álvaro Uribe (former President of Colombia), Gerhard Schröder (former Chancellor of Germany), John Bruton (former Irish Prime Minister), Mario Monti (former Italian Prime Minister), among others.

In addition to these keynote speakers, there were also three thematic conferences: “Portugal: Threat or Opportunity”, in 2011, with Raphael Minder (Herald Tribune), Wolfgang Münchau (Financial Times), Raul Llores (Folha de São Paulo); “A Nobel Day”, in 2013, with John Gurdon , Oliver Smithies, Paul Greengard and Richard J. Roberts, Karin Schallreuter, Paul Riley and Clemens van Blitterswijk; and “Cybersecurity”, in 2016, with Ofir Hason, Rui Gomes, Paulo Veríssimo and António Mexia.

CV&A has also staged the cycles “Conferences at the Palace”, held at the Bolsa Palace in Oporto, attracting some of Portugal’s leading external partners, prominent individuals from the Portuguese business sector, board presidents of leading national companies and renowned Portuguese economists.

This year, under the auspices of commemorations of its 20th anniversary, CV&A is bringing the former British Prime Minister, David Cameron, to Portugal for a debate with the President of Lisbon Municipal Council, Carlos Moedas. This forum is set the theme of the Future of Europe.

The CV&A staged conferences are part of this consultancy’s DNA and have already established a loyal public. Each conference attracts an “occupation rate” of around 300 participants.


As Relações Ibéricas e o Contexto do Diálogo Transatlântico
Iberian Relations and the Context of the Transatlantic Dialogue
Lisboa, Abril 2005 | Lisbon, April 2005

Leadership: Taking Charge
Lisboa, Dezembro 2005 | Lisbon, December 2005

The International Economy Today: Challenges and Opportunities
Lisboa, Novembro 2006 | Lisbon, November 2006

Uma Verdade Inconveniente
An Inconvenient Truth
Lisboa, Fevereiro 2007 | Lisbon, February 2007

Economic Development and World Peace
Lisboa, Dezembro 2007 | Lisbon, December 2007

Embracing our Common Humanity
Lisboa, Junho 2008 | Lisbon, June 2008

Challenging Poverty: The Growth of Microcredit
Lisboa, Outubro 2008 | Lisbon, October 2008

Building a Grassroots Movement in the 21st Century
Lisboa, Março 2009 | Lisbon, March 2009

The rise of the South American emerging markets
Lisboa, Maio 2011 | Lisbon, May 2011

> RAPHAEL MINDER (Herald Tribune), WOLFGANG MÜNCHAU (Financial Times), RAUL LLORES (Folha de São Paulo)
Portugal: ameaça ou Oportunidade
Portugal: Threat or Opportunity

A Crise Europeia e as Reformas Necessárias
The European Crisis and the Reforms Necessary
Lisboa, Dezembro 2012 | Lisbon, December 2012
A Nobel Day in Lisbon
Lisboa, Junho 2013 | Lisbon, June 2013

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