Saturday, July 27, 2024


What history tells you about post-pandemic booms

People spend more, take more risks—and demand more of politicians
© The Economist Newspaper Limited, London, 25th April 2021

“A change in the paradigm of how we perceive old age is essential”

Interview with Manuel Lemos, President of União das Misericórdias Portuguesas (UMP)
The elderly support model in effect is misaligned. The profile of Portuguese society has changed greatly. People have different expectations in relationship to their own ageing, they wish to stay in their homes, maintaining their privacies and tend to master the technologies.

My hinterland

Francisco Velez Roxo, Economist/Manager, Professor at the Portuguese Catholic University and President of the Municipal Assembly of Alter do Chão

“We want to convey the fact that Jews helped to build Portugal”

Interview with Esther Mucznik, Founder and President of the "Tikvá Museu Judaico de Lisboa"
Telling the story of the Jewish presence in Portugal in an appealing way is the main objective of the “Tikvá Museu Judaico de Lisboa”, to open its doors in the spring of 2024. In an interview with PRÉMIO, founder and president of the “Tikvá Museu Judaico de Lisboa”, told us about this project and its importance, about architect Daniel Libeskind who will bring it to life and the reason behind using the word “Tikvá”, which means “Hope” in Hebrew, in the name of the Museum.

Oporto: a sustainable city

The Northern Region of Portugal is making major investments in the field of sustainable mobility for both decarbonisation of transport and the creation of smart cities. Such effort earned it an international award. This investment is to be continued. The promotion of electric mobility and the creation of the right conditions for cities in the Oporto metropolitan area to become sustainable and smart cities or “cities of the future” has been one of the flags of municipalities in the northern region in recent times. In this regard, several measures have been implemented, from the purchase of vehicles causing less environmental impact...

ARAN – Associação Nacional do Ramo Automóvel

Ana Valado PRÉMIO asked some questions to companies in the north of the country involved in the theme of Electric Mobility and who are providing a great contribution to the development of efficient cities. Rodrigo Ferreia da Silva, President of ARAN In the...


Ana Valado PRÉMIO asked some questions to companies in the north of the country involved in the theme of Electric Mobility and who are providing a great contribution to the development of efficient cities. Ângelo Ramalho, Chairman of the Board of Directors...

STCP – Sociedade de Transportes Colectivos do Porto

Ana Valado PRÉMIO asked some questions to companies in the north of the country involved in the theme of Electric Mobility and who are providing a great contribution to the development of efficient cities. Manuel Queiró Chairman of the Board of Directors Oporto...

Are electric cars really the future? Should I buy one now?

There are more and more electric cars on sale, which means that there are more and more doubts in the minds of potential customers. Are battery-powered cars really the future? Should I buy one now? When scientists finally agreed on the reasons behind the mounting global warming, pointing the finger at carbon dioxide emissions, the different countries, and particularly the European Union, decided to act.

The designer who conquered the world

Interview with Nini Andrade Silva
É conhecida como a ‘designer’ de interiores da Madeira, mas Nini Andrade silva gosta de tudo o que tem a ver com a arte e com o processo de criar. Já perdeu a conta aos prémios, nacionais e internacionais, que recebeu com as largas centenas de hotéis que desenhou nos mais variados pontos do mundo. E afirma que o seu ‘hobbie’ é trabalhar.

Artigos recentes | Recent articles

AMO and H/Advisors – A short history

It all started 22 years ago on Madison Avenue. Three of the world’s most senior financial PR professionals met to discuss a ground-breaking alliance, that would change the shape of the communications industry.

A conversation with Henry Kissinger

Over two days in late April 2023, The Economist spent over eight hours in conversation with Dr Kissinger. Just weeks before his 100th birthday, the former secretary of state and national security adviser laid out his concerns about the risks of great power conflict and offered solutions for how to avoid it. This is a transcript of the conversation, lightly edited for clarity.

The world on the wrong path

A new geopolitical and economic order is being written through the emergence of China as an economic, military and diplomatic superpower and threatening the status of the United States. We are heading towards a multipolar world in which the search for strategic autonomy is changing the dynamics of international trade for the worse. Nothing will be more determinant to the world’s destiny over forthcoming years than the relationship between Beijing and Washington. Europe risks being a mere bystander.
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