Sunday, September 8, 2024


A conversation with Henry Kissinger

Over two days in late April 2023, The Economist spent over eight hours in conversation with Dr Kissinger. Just weeks before his 100th birthday, the former secretary of state and national security adviser laid out his concerns about the risks of great power conflict and offered solutions for how to avoid it. This is a transcript of the conversation, lightly edited for clarity.

20 years later, are we really so different?

Words such as as “sustainability”, “e-mobility”, “artificial intelligence” or abbreviations such as “ESG” and “LGBTQIA+” convey the differences of the contemporary world to that prevailing in 2003.

Portugal-UK 650: Commemorations of the 650th anniversary of the Luso-British alliance

Maria João Rodrigues de Araújo,  President of Portugal-UK 650 and Fellow of the Faculty of Music at Oxford University

A glance into the future

António Costa attempted to convince Catarina Martins and, above all, Jerónimo de Sousa, but only unsuccessfully. The Bloco voted against the state budget as did the PCP and the five abstentions by the PAN and the two independent MPS were not enough even to get the bill through to the phase of specialist discussion. now, after Marcelo has sounded out the parties and the council of state, this is what will follow.

Strategy: a concept to take seriously

Maria Manuel Leitão Marques, Member of the European Parliament

The PS has no idea

João Cotrim de Figueiredo, Iniciativa Liberal MP

A new stimulus for the country

João Paulo Correia, Socialist MP

Framework and prospects for the next Bilateral Summit

Marta Betanzos Roig, Ambassador of Spain in Portugal

“I like to consider my role as the ambassador of the territory to the Council of Ministers”

Interview with Ana Abrunhosa, minister of Territorial Cohesion
In 2019, she promised to be the “ambassador” to the government for the cause of reducing the road tolls in inland regions. And she was successful. “That was my mission impossible”, Ana Abrunhosa declared, highlighting the importance of reducing the costs within those regions. The Minister of Territorial Cohesion took those regions into the interior of the Council of Ministers, establishing synergies among government sectors that would not otherwise have existed for the populations who, through option or need, live outside the major urban centres.

Portugal e Guiné-Bissau: O Eixo da Maledicência ou a Cooperação Estratégica

Hélder Vaz, Embaixador da Guiné-Bissau em Portugal

Artigos recentes | Recent articles

AMO and H/Advisors – A short history

It all started 22 years ago on Madison Avenue. Three of the world’s most senior financial PR professionals met to discuss a ground-breaking alliance, that would change the shape of the communications industry.

A conversation with Henry Kissinger

Over two days in late April 2023, The Economist spent over eight hours in conversation with Dr Kissinger. Just weeks before his 100th birthday, the former secretary of state and national security adviser laid out his concerns about the risks of great power conflict and offered solutions for how to avoid it. This is a transcript of the conversation, lightly edited for clarity.

The world on the wrong path

A new geopolitical and economic order is being written through the emergence of China as an economic, military and diplomatic superpower and threatening the status of the United States. We are heading towards a multipolar world in which the search for strategic autonomy is changing the dynamics of international trade for the worse. Nothing will be more determinant to the world’s destiny over forthcoming years than the relationship between Beijing and Washington. Europe risks being a mere bystander.
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