Sunday, September 8, 2024


A conversation with Henry Kissinger

Over two days in late April 2023, The Economist spent over eight hours in conversation with Dr Kissinger. Just weeks before his 100th birthday, the former secretary of state and national security adviser laid out his concerns about the risks of great power conflict and offered solutions for how to avoid it. This is a transcript of the conversation, lightly edited for clarity.

“We felt the need to reposition the ‘Ports of Madeira’ brand”

Interview with Paula Cabaço, President of APRAM – Administration of the Ports of the Autonomous Region of Madeira
In interviews with PRÉMIO, Paula Cabaço speaks about the repositioning of the “Ports of Madeira” brand, reflected in the slogan “Your Safe Port” and the production of new promotional materials. Stemming from the series of sanitation measures implemented within the scope of the pandemic, this message serves to strengthen the idea that these ports are safe ways of entering the region. The APRAM president also adds how the new strategy involves strengthening the proximity to companies and participating in the major world events for the sector. Digitalisation and environmental sustainability are among the other looming challenges.

“It is the crowning achievement of a career”

Interview with Nuno Pinto de Magalhães, Chairman SCC
At the brewers Sociedade Central de Cervejas (SCC) for the last 47 years, 20 of which spent as Director of Communications and Institutional Relations, Nuno Pinto de Magalhães was recently elected chairman of the company that he entered as an apprentice aged 18 as a stop-gap solution having finished the then 7th grade (now the 12th grade) and having to wait for a year (Civic Service) before being able to enter the Faculty of Law. Knowing how to listen, engage in tasks with passion, apply good sense and never refuse a good conversation are some of the secrets that got him to the top.

“I like to consider my role as the ambassador of the territory to the Council of Ministers”

Interview with Ana Abrunhosa, minister of Territorial Cohesion
In 2019, she promised to be the “ambassador” to the government for the cause of reducing the road tolls in inland regions. And she was successful. “That was my mission impossible”, Ana Abrunhosa declared, highlighting the importance of reducing the costs within those regions. The Minister of Territorial Cohesion took those regions into the interior of the Council of Ministers, establishing synergies among government sectors that would not otherwise have existed for the populations who, through option or need, live outside the major urban centres.

“The long term is a succession of short terms”

Interview with António Ramalho, CEO Novo Banco
Leading the destinies of Novo Banco, António Ramalho had the sale of the institution in his hands after various failed efforts. Between the collapse of BES and his arrival, some two years went by. In 2021, he presented the first positive results: a 137 million euro profit for the first quarter.

Happy grapes for happy wines

Pinhal da Torre
International markets account for around 90% of Pinhal da Torre wine sales. The properties hosting the vines are located in Alpiarça, in the Tejo wine growing region. In the past, the firm strove to produce the maximum quantity. However, the objective for the last three decades has been rather different.

“The pandemic produced a wave of great solidarity among the state’s partners”

Interview with Carolina Cerqueira, the Angolan Minister of State for Social Welfare
Having presented last July the first voluntary report from the Angolan government on the Sustainable Development Goals to the United Nations Economic and Social Council, this initiative received a warm welcome from the international community that is attentive to the efforts the country has been making to improve the popular standard of living and strengthen the rule of law under a democratic state. In interview, Carolina Cerqueira reveals the priorities of the government led by João Lourenço for the social domain with a particular emphasis on health, education, employment, social protection, justice and economic growth, among others and explains the work that has been done while accepting there is still much to do in a country where combating poverty and investing in the qualification of citizens rank very much as the prevailing priorities.

“Israeli creativity has to do with the fact that there is something very fundamental in the Jewish way of thinking: asking questions, challenging the...

Interview with Raphael Gamzou, Israel Ambassador
No matter one’s opinion on the policies of Israel, and the Middle East, most people would agree that in many issues it is a different country – not just of its neighbours but different from any country. But on the long run, is it Israel’s ambition to be “less different”?

“Tourism, TAP and airport are vital for the economic recovery”

Interview with Pedro Siza Vieira, Minister of State, of the Economy and Digital Transition
In interview with PRÉMIO, Pedro Siza Vieira, Minister of State, of the Economy and Digital Transition, speaks about the digitalisation of the economy and society, the importance of requalifying tourism for better economic growth, the business case for TAP and Lisbon’s need for a new airport. Siza Vieira furthermore highlighted the growth in foreign direct investment in Portugal, which reached its highest ever level in 2019, the growth potential of certain industrial sectors, especially healthcare and the need for Portuguese banks to finance productive investment. The economic relationships of the European Union with the rest of the world and the advantages of the connections between Portugal and the CPLP member states feature among the other themes approached.

“Mothers and children play a relevant role in the design of current societies”

Interview with António Vitorino, Director-General of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM)
The Director-General of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) is deeply concerned about the growth of transnational crime networks following the closure of borders due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In an interview with PRÉMIO magazine, António Vitorino urges all states to include migrants in their national vaccination plans. And warns to the new reality that affects migration and is closely linked to climate change. “There are more and more people living internally displaced within their countries, largely due to climate change,” he says.

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It all started 22 years ago on Madison Avenue. Three of the world’s most senior financial PR professionals met to discuss a ground-breaking alliance, that would change the shape of the communications industry.

A conversation with Henry Kissinger

Over two days in late April 2023, The Economist spent over eight hours in conversation with Dr Kissinger. Just weeks before his 100th birthday, the former secretary of state and national security adviser laid out his concerns about the risks of great power conflict and offered solutions for how to avoid it. This is a transcript of the conversation, lightly edited for clarity.

The world on the wrong path

A new geopolitical and economic order is being written through the emergence of China as an economic, military and diplomatic superpower and threatening the status of the United States. We are heading towards a multipolar world in which the search for strategic autonomy is changing the dynamics of international trade for the worse. Nothing will be more determinant to the world’s destiny over forthcoming years than the relationship between Beijing and Washington. Europe risks being a mere bystander.
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